Escorts Australia

Escorts Australia is one of the best places in the world for finding beautiful girls willing to do whatever you request when it comes to escorts. Not only can you find stunning Asian, black and exotic chicks online who will show you a good time – these escorts work at brothels, local strip clubs, lap-dance bars and elite escort agencies; some may even travel internationally; you might even find hot porn stars searching for new gigs.

Australia offers legal escort services that provide people with options to enjoy some sex in their lives. Many escorts in Australia are professional and will treat you with respect and discretion, though as this industry remains heavily regulated it is wise to inform yourself on its rules prior to hiring an escort.

Prostitution or sex work has been legal in Australia since 1992 when the Prostitution Act was passed, with most workers employed at brothels or escort agencies and required to register with Office of Regulatory Services. There are however exceptions such as child sex work, brothels located within hotels or tourist attractions and private parties or cruise ships as well as child prostitution being exempt from registration requirements.

Many states have passed laws to safeguard sex workers in case of criminal investigations or prosecutions. For instance, in Queensland it is unlawful to hire minors as escorts or advertise for those under 18 as potential sex workers – those found guilty could face up to seven years imprisonment! As part of Australia’s efforts at decriminalising prostitution it’s vital that people understand local regulations prior to seeking out any work of this nature.

Canberra, the Australian capital city, permits legal sex work provided it takes place within an approved brothel, establishment or room. Private sessions or public massage are also allowed as long as they have been registered with Office of Regulatory Services or Access Canberra before proceeding with work.

Naughty Ads was recently honored with a Director’s Choice award at the 2022 AFIS awards and is currently Australia’s fastest-growing escort site. Boasting an abundance of advertiser and punter features – with more in 2021 planned – Naughty Ads provides excellent support services, offering 24hr support for advertisers and punters.

This site features an attractive design with easy account creation; users have the choice between Australia independent escort agency and establishment accounts when creating their profile. Furthermore, users can add private galleries and videos as well as chat feature and store feature with some promising models they might like to meet up with in future visits. Furthermore, punters can even request specific models they would like to meet on site.